Since Glen and I moved to Ripon, our family tradition has been for the boys to go play flag football with the guys from church, while I stay home and start on dinner. This year, Tori and I started our own tradition and we participated in the Turkey Trot in Modesto. There were over a 1000 runners and very chaotic, but that didn't scare us away. After adjusting to the trail and finding a good spot between the people, we kept a good pace. At the end of the trail, I heard my boss and his wife cheering for us as we got close to the finish line.... so nice to hear the cheers and gave us an extra little boost to cross the finish line. Tori and I were nervous at the beginning but excited to that we finished strong!
Came home and started on the turkey. I have to confess... I am not making the rolls this year, instead we are having Costco rolls! OK, since I confessed about the rolls.... I have to say that I also bought the pie! I am cooking the turkey and Glen is making the mashed potatoes!
Our other Thanksgiving day tradition is to go through the adds and figure out what we want to buy at the black Friday. We map out our stores, what we need to buy and the times. The stores are starting to mess our plans by opening the stores earlier and earlier but... We LOVE going! So here are 2 of my favorite commercials from target.... TOO FUNNY!
And this is Glen's.... Yes... He is the guy that will be glued to the door!
Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends. I am thankful for my husband, my wonderful kids, my extended family and my dear friends that has accepted me the way I am!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Turkey Trot!
It's official.... Tori and I are signed up to run the Modesto 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day! Our first official run! Our goal is to run the Modesto half marathon in March... I am scared but excited the same time. Tori has become my inspiration and my support. Who would it thought that running would bring us closer together? I am loving the time we are spending together and working on achieving our goal.
Susan and I supporting Tori in achieving her (our!) goal. We wore our training shirts to school! Tori was super excited to show off her new outfit and be a part of Mrs. Taylor's team!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
So, I had a dream that my kids were going to have THE best birthday party EVER, well... It was the BIGGEST headache EVER and... I guess it was also the best birthday/Halloween party they've had (I combined their bdays even though they are 4 months apart!).
My vision was for them to have a haunted house that the kids had to walk through the get to my backyard. I borrowed tons of Halloween decorations and different scary items from different friends and had a small but very cool haunted house on the side of the backyard.
Everything was ready...
costume for everyone... check!
Music... Check!
Tons of candy and food... Check, Check!
RAIN? Wait... NOOOO!
Yes, it was a cold and rainy evening, all the girls were freezing and the boys too. No other way but to tell everyone to go inside. Yes, over 50 people inside my little kitchen and family room. BUT that didn't stop us from having a blast. We played a few games and then.... the rain stopped and everyone back outside! Kids liked the haunted house and some girls were petrified... WHAT? I know.... crazy girls! I built the darn thing so it can't be that scary! lol! Anyways... We played more games, danced and sang the bday song twice! I am sure my neighbors wanted to hurt me but I did give them a heads up! So, at about 10:45 our last friend left and we were beat and left with the BIGGEST mess EVER! But I am glad my kids had fun and their friends did too. I will post more pictures soon!

Brent 13 and Tori 11

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