Being a mother has its ups and downs... Good times and not so good times... proud times and "what the heck were you thinking" times. Lately.... It's been "if I new then what I know now, I would not have had kids"! Crazy right?! Well.... life is tough right now with a teenager and a pre-teen. There are days I wonder if I will make it or if I should just lay down and say forget it. UGH.... if you have small kids.... enjoy them now!!!! I will enjoy mine once they grow out of this horrible stage!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ok... if you have recently had a baby or has received the mother award this year and for the past few years.... DO NOT READ THIS POST!
Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Back to Reality!
What a busy summer we had and now life is back to reality. What is my reality? Let me tell you!
Brent -
The big freshman in the house! I cannot believe that he is started high school... where did time go? Well... He was busy this summer attending ASB leadership camp and right after that he went to RHS wrestling camp in Bakersfield. He had a blast and learned a lot from both camps and got him super excited about the new adventures he was getting ready to start. He is LOVING school and for the most part his teachers. He loves leadership class, I however, have my doubts on the teacher and her abilities on teaching the class! He is so excited that he shares about everything that happened in school. I am loving it because he has never ever shared anything that happened in school before even though I used to nag (yes... I nag!) him to share. He is now playing football and enjoying it. Coaches seem happy with him and he is trying hard. He has also started seminary at 6:00 am (WHAT ARE THEY THINKING???). Getting up early has been a challenge for me and somedays for him, but will see what happens with time!
Victoria -
Junior high school... really? Well, school is going great and so far her teacher seems ok! hahaha!!!! I love her teacher... he is amazing! Ok, ok... It's Glen... I have to be nice and say good things! jk! She loves her class and classmates. She is excited to start volleyball and her coach is just the best (that would be me!!!). Other than school and volleyball... Tori will not stop talking about running for activities director... she has the entire year planned even though she has not applied, ran for office, or won the position! Hope she wins!!!
Trevor -
Third and final year of having a high school leaving with us. It has been crazy and opened my eyes for my future.... not sure if I like it. Trevor is a senior. He plays football and wrestles, he tries to stay in my good side by trying to do chores without me asking but still much to learn!
Chance -
Well... my brother-in-law has moved back in with us and this time he brought Koda with him. We love the dog when he is not scratching my windows! I love taking him on runs/walks with him even though he gets crazy when he sees crickets, other dogs, and kids. Chance works opposite hours than us, so we really don't get to see him much. I love him!!!! He cleans up the down stairs for me so I don't come to a messy house!!! It has been great to have him around!
Glen -
Well, after 12 years teaching 6th grade, Glen has moved up to teach 7th grade this year. He likes the class (for the most part... same as last year!) He is trying to figure out the new materials but he is such a good teacher that it will be a piece of cake! While taking on a new grade, extra crap the government/DO is making our teachers do with less time and money... he is the student council director, football coach, wrestling coach, and 7th grade softball coach. So to sum up... no life! but he enjoys what he does.
Aline -
Well.... I am going crazy... literally! Like many moms out there, my life is very busy and chaotic... My days start at 5:30... take Brent to seminary, come back, take Glen (tuesdays & Thursdays) to morning workouts at the high school, go pick up Brent at 6:50. Home, get ready, must be off to school/work @7:15 and work until 4:00 (most days till 5:00). Starting next week... I am coaching volleyball after school, which means later work days after practice/games. Pick everyone up from different places and home to start cooking dinner, eat, and pray that I can get to bed in a decent time. Yikes... It sounds really bad on paper... oh wait... in real life also! Well.... I am happy to say that with my hard work along with good teachers and parents at school, our new computer lab is up and running! Beautiful state of the art lab for the students... too bad my son missed out on it. This year I have added athletic director, and girls basketball to my crazy schedule. I really need to learn to say NO! but it's for the kids so I just can't leave them hanging.
So to sum up my crazy life lately.... Long days, little sleep, cranky momma & daddy, house full of people to nag and when I am lucky.... I get to do zumba or run!
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