Monday, May 26, 2014

Confessions of teens mom #5

Remember when you were a teenager and you fell head of heels for the boy or girl? First love is wonderful!!!! No one listens to anyone but then come the heartbreak where life is just OVER! I remember going through it and counting on my friend to help it make it better. Back in the day we didn't have social media where we could vent or txt messages where we could let the other read our feelings. So glad I didn't have that because I don't know how I would have handled. 
Today, I sat with my boy and try to explain life and the future... So hard to break someone's heart and have your heartbroken. But life is beautiful and choices we make today has an ever lasting impact. 
To my son and daughter, life is great make the most of it. Study hard, devote to your high school years because it will fly by, and never forget... Friends come and go but family is forever! Love you babies and thank you son for allowing me to be there through your hard times. 
Mama bear! 
L.O.L (lots of love)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

To my son and daughter!

Nothing more to say!!! Just read and take it all in!!!! 
